Saturday, December 6, 2008

No Place I'd Rather Be Than Here

There's No Place I'd Rather
Be Than Here

It's freezing cold outside and a blanket of white is steadily covering the ground. I'm curled up on the couch with the computer in my lap, the view of the snowy hillside out my window, a orange martini on the coffee table and the rare silence of an empty house. I am as present as I can possibly be...
Being anywhere but here right now would require me to move from this spot and I am perfectly content just as I am. Watching the bare branches collect snow and Chopper curiously sniffing around the yard is all the excitement I need right now. All too soon, this brief moment of serenity will be replaced with the robust reality of a two-year-old running around the house!

1 comment:

Julie said...

It's nice living in warm weather but I do miss snow storms!!!!